Hair Transplantation with Follicular-Unit Micrografts...
Approximately one-half of the men in the U.S. are affected by hair loss resulting in a thinning of the scalp hair or baldness. These conditions affect 20% of the women as well. While many people are not concerned about their hair loss, others may feel a loss of self esteem, become distressed and look for ways to correct their condition.
What causes hair loss?
Frequent shampooing, the wearing of hats and poor circulation are not the cause of hair loss.
Heredity is the leading cause of hair loss in men. In women, it is hormonal. Many factors including high fever, severe infection, diet, certain medications, birth control pills, thyroid disease, child birth, and cancer treatments can cause hair loss. Hormonal changes include those that occur during menopause and can lead to thinning and pattern loss.
While some types of hair loss are reversible, those resulting from an accident, infections of the scalp, surgery or those caused by heredity are not.
Male pattern baldness is the easiest form of hair loss to correct. It usually begins with a receding hairline or a thinning at the crown and progresses over a lifetime.

Restoring lost hair with hair transplantation
Hair transplantation using advanced surgical techniques is performed by our doctor for patients in our region to provide the most natural looking, permanent solution for those who are bald or have thinning hair.
Creams and lotions that claim to stimulate and restore hair growth have had limited success. Hair pieces are difficult to maintain and may present an unnatural appearance. While these solutions are acceptable for some people, Micro-Hair Transplants provide a more natural look.
What is Micro-Hair Transplant surgery like?
During your consultation your surgeon will explain which type of anesthesia is best suited for your procedure. Most Micro-Hair Transplant procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, using local or twilight anesthesia. More involved surgical procedures such as flap surgery for hair restoration usually require general anesthesia and are performed in a hospital surgical setting.
Types of hair transplants
Micro-Hair transplantation is a progressive process requiring hundreds of micro-grafts, implanted during multiple treatment sessions spaced about 4 months apart. Each micro-graft may contain from 1 - 10 hairs. The micro-grafts are removed from a donor site located on the side or back of the head. Your surgeon then meticulously implants them into the bald or thinning area taking extra care to ensure that the new hair grafts are placed randomly, and will grow in the same direction as the existing hair and minimize that "plugged look." Micro-Hair Transplants maintain a more natural appearance than previous techniques using larger grafts or plugs of hair.
Skin flap surgery and scalp reduction techniques can be used to fill in larger areas. Skin flap surgery uses a piece of hair covered scalp to replace a section of bald scalp. In scalp reduction surgery, after the hairless skin is removed, the adjacent hair covered skin is stretched over the area and sutured into place. Scars are usually covered by new hair growth.
Will a hair transplant work for you?
While age is not a barrier to having hair transplantation, a conservative approach is indicated as a permanent donor site may not yet be established. You don’t need to wait until you are bald to begin hair transplantation.
The ideal hair transplantation candidate will have:
- Dense growing hair in the donor sites.
- Realistic expectations of what the results will be.
Note: Light colored hair may appear denser than dark hair and coarse hair can look denser than fine hair.
What about insurance for hair transplantation?
Your health insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. Most health insurance does not reimburse for surgeries that are purely cosmetic. However, when hair loss results from an accident, a burn, disease or other trauma, it may be covered in part or in whole. Please check with your insurance company for information regarding their coverage for your procedure.
What about after Micro-Hair Transplant surgery?
After our physician performs Micro-Hair Transplant Surgery, you will wear a dressing for the first day or two. After the third day you may gently shampoo. Any itching or aching that occurs can be controlled with medication. The use of cold compresses and sleeping in a semi-upright position can help reduce bruising and control swelling.
Scalp reduction is often performed in conjunction with a Micro-Hair Transplant procedure. This procedure greatly reduces the number of grafts required to attain a natural look. When stitches are used, they are generally removed in 7 - 10 days. Any numbness that occurs around the donor or recipient site usually disappears in 2 - 3 months.
After about 6 weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out. It will be replaced in about 3 months when the new hair grows in. After another 1 - 2 months new micro-grafts can be placed in the spaces between the established older grafts. To achieve greater density and a more natural look, several treatment sessions may be required.