Everyone wants to look and feel their best. Whether it’s improving a feature you never liked, getting rid of pockets of fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise, or having a face lift for a more youthful look. You may still believe you have to accept nature’s imperfections and signs of aging. However, with today’s improved medical and surgical techniques, you can now enjoy the corrections you desire. To help make your dream a reality, select a physician that understands your desired goals, provides realistic views of your anticipated results, and one that you are comfortable with. The most beneficial is to trust your care to a doctor who can easily visualize and understand your goals. How will I look after my procedure?This is probably the most frequently asked question when considering cosmetic procedures. Whether you want to increase the size of your breast or reduce wrinkles with fillers and/or Botox, you’ll want to know what you can expect and how you will look. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your doctor was able to let you see your end results even before having your procedure? Now our doctor can with the VECTRA 3D.  Look to the future with the VECTRA 3DOur doctor performs VECTRA 3D simulations, showing the exciting possibilities of anticipated aesthetic procedures for patients in our region. The VECTRA 3D from Canfield Imaging Systems creates a realistic three dimensional model of you. Imagine a model of you now and another that shows your anticipated results! While viewing your results with the VECTRA 3D, we’re able to modify your model immediately, thus allowing us to make your aesthetic vision a reality. We will continue to make changes until we achieve the look of your desired outcome. With the VECTRA 3D we can create precisely the look you want and can determine if your desired results are realistic.
 The best part is after our doctor performs your simulation with the Vectra 3D, we can quickly and accurately arrive at a shared understanding of your treatment objectives. The ability to visualize your intended results enhances doctor-patient communications and clarifies your expectations. With the VECTRA 3D:- It’s now possible to visualize facial corrections such as removing a bump in your nose, a chin implant to improve facial proportions, or how refreshed you’ll appear with fillers and skin resurfacing.
- You can feel comfortable about breast augmentation when you can easily visualize your appearance with different size implants. No more guess work or stuffing your bra for effect.
- With a three dimensional body view, it becomes easy to see how you’d look with a tummy tuck, or you may find that another procedure like liposuction can easily resolve your desired results.
- We can easily visualize many different looks, so you can clarify your expectations and be more certain of your goals.
- Together we can finalize your goal and then strive to make it a reality. While the results with the VECTRA 3D make the potential outcome of your procedures more accurate, we cannot guarantee that there will be an exact match of your results with the computer-generated model. The best part about the VECTRA 3D is that overall patient satisfaction is increased.